The key element of the image in pastel painting technique is a combination of the potential of graphic arts and painting. Grigori Grabovoi with the help of his clairvoyance, realized the presence of life in every line of the time, presented in various forms. The form, reflecting the contents of time, is revealed in the eternity. Pastel colors, with their soft silky lines and blurred edges, give us the knowledge on the organization of the life processes from the life itself, thus, making the self-contained eternity. Background colour of the paper, showing through the drawing, intensifies the colour effect, adding to the light. The background in human consciousness makes it possible to perceive the stable and persistent future of the eternity.
Having used the clairvoyance, Grigori Grabovoi applied only those colors of physical space, shown in the pictures, which, in combination with pastel technique and manifested areas of eternity in the space, could produce the events, securing the eternity for the physical body. The peculiarity of pastel, consisting in special shimmer effect gives an insight into the fact that the development of human mind to the level of eternal life is mainly the act of nothing more than thoughtful, capable of perceiving light thinking.
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